Paris, 2010 - Leica M8, 1/125, ISO 160

Paris, 2010 - Leica M8, 1/250, ISO 320

Paris, 2010 - Leica M8, 1/180, ISO 160

Paris, 2010 - Epson R-D1, 1/450, ISO 400

Paris, 2010 - Leica M8, 1/500, ISO 160

Paris, 2010 - Epson R-D1, 1/600, ISO 200
All these pictures are pretty much uncropped except for the one of the boy chasing the pigeon, which I found best to crop to a square format. The lens I used for all the Leica M8 pictures is the Voigtländer 35/1.4 Nokton SC, while both Epson images were taken with a Leica Summicron-M 50/2 lens. These focal lengths correspond to about 45 mm or 50 mm for the M8 and 75 mm for the Epson in 35-mm equivalent terms.
By the way, the Epson re-covering job mentioned in a past post is still upcoming and definitely not forgotten.